Sunday, January 26, 2014

Chapter Twenty-Four: Role Reversal

Author's Note: Resuming from the last chapter, we are introduced to a new character that's unique, even by this story's standards. This chapter is supposed to go over Scouts and Scout strategies, but I may have sacrificed game accuracy for coolness here just like everything else about SnS

Chapter Twenty-Three: Pride and Prejudice

Author's Note: A lengthy, character- and plot-driven chapter kicking off a new storyline: The "Badlands Arc". New characters, new setting, and--most importantly--new twists! What will happen in this week's edition of Snipes 'n' Shells?

Chapter Twenty-Two: Doctor and Delinquent

Author's Note: This chapter is rather obviously meant to introduce non-players to the concept of Medics and common/basic Medic strategies, so it might get a bit tedious to those used to more advanced forms of gameplay.

Chapter Twenty-One: Auto Balanced

Author's Note: Following right after the last, we finally learn the full details behind the last-minute plot twist, and then some. We introduce a new Medic character this time around, so what's in store for BLU? Read on and find out!

Chapter Twenty: Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back

Author's Note: More gayness for the yaoi-loving crowd!

Chapter Nineteen: RED is the Color of...

Author's Note: Something a little more exciting to make up for the last two chapters. Just as a warning, this one gets pretty violent (at least, by the standards of the story thus far).

Chapter Eighteen: Weep Not for the Devil

Author's Note: A chapter that's largely character-based, this one is filled with plot twists and characterization. 

Chapter Seventeen: Purification in Progress

Author's Note: A lengthy, largely uneventful chapter to counteract the more emotional and action-packed events of the last chapter. Featuring a character crossover with Mortis Ghost's OFF.

Chapter Sixteen: A Little Heart to Heart

Author's Note: Skipping a couple of days later, we get into a rather Ho Yay-heavy chapter about Mort and Joey. It's rather tame, but just to warn some people, it's pretty gay.

Chapter Fifteen: Beautiful Day at the Beach

Author's Note: Vacation arc, part deux!

Chapter Fourteen: Fun Time at the Fair

Author's Note: The first part of the two- (three?) part "Ceasefire Arc". It's a rather short story concentrating on some characters I never really gave much attention to.

Chapter Thirteen: Ceasefire

Author's Note: A short prelude into a two-part filler arc. Sorta.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Chapter Twelve: Rabbit Hearted

Author's Note: A direct continuation to the previous chapter, we return to Mort, and introduce a new RED character!

Chapter Eleven: Faster Than a Speeding Bullet

Author's Note: Another Vince-centered chapter, with Hartmann and Mortimer as supporting characters. It picks up the pace from where the last couple of chapters left off, so it should prove a more exciting read.

Chapter Ten: Strangers in the Night

Author's Note: This chapter's a bit more of a breather moment for those who already read "Through the Fire and the Flames".

Chapter Nine: Through the Fire and the Flames

Author's Note: Continuing from the last chapter, this will highlight Alan's characterization further. Though not action-packed in the least, it has more happening than "The Test of Things to Come".

Chapter Eight: The Test of Things to Come

Author's Note: A short and relatively uneventful chapter, this ties in with the following chapter as a "day in the spotlight" for Alan. I haven't pointed it out earlier, but in the process of developing the characters' backstories, I inserted some personal headcanons, which have since become engraved into the unofficial TF2-verse's worldbuilding. Some elements mentioned or emphasized here will become more relevant in upcoming chapters, so it's not a part of the story you'd want to miss.

Chapter Seven: Ties That Bind

Author's Note: Relatively straightforward chapter. The main highlight of "Ties That Bind" is the introduction of the first RED OC--depicted here by Selan Pike.

Chapter Six: Morning Rescue

Author's Note: Now that all that heavy fighting stuff is out of the way, have a lovely little slice-of-life chapter, co-starring the BLU Scout!

Chapter Five: The Art of War

Author's Note: Finally, we get around to the entire point of TF2: blowing things up and hoping not to get killed amidst all the chaos. But at this early point in the story, I haven't a whole lot of experience with writing battle scenes, or even playing the game, so the chapter's more based on introspective musings of a typical session for a beginning player. (Hopefully, non-players can understand it, even if just a little bit.)

Chapter Four: Under the Blue Mask

Author's Note: Nothing much to say about this one. Just a bit of character interactions between our two leads.

Chapter Three: MEDIC!!

Author's Note: Continuing where we last left off, we finally meet the man of the hour: the Medic. The header image is a lovely sketch commission drawn by Kara on Tumblr.

Chapter Two: Meet the Team

Author's Note: Continuing from the prologue, here, we finally start getting introduced to the rest of the main cast. Enjoy!

Chapter One: Spy in the Base!

Authors Note: This story stars a cast of OCs in a canon universe, and may contain elements that may make some people uncomfortable (animal cruelty, tragic backstory clichés, fanservice). Also, there will be no explicit sexual content (though such happenings may be implied). If you’re not open to any of this, I highly recommend you turn back now, for the sake of your own sanity. Thank you.